This was a very relaxing week (even more relaxing than my current lifestyle.) Waking up in Grand Junction, CO Monday morning I headed northwest to Salt Lake City, UT to visit my father. After spending a few days in Salt Lake, It was time to head back to Denver, CO for the weekend. Arriving in Denver Wednesday night I began to plan and prepare for the next few weeks (lot’s of fun things coming.) Friday a college friend and I made our way to Rockey Mountain National Park. There the weather was not the most ideal but never the less we made the best of it. This week the camera got put away and I focused on spending time with people, planning and preparing.
If there is something you wish to know that is not in one of my weekly updates, feel free to get a hold of me via email and I would be happy to talk.
Make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to see all of the photos from the trip so far. Also if you have instagram feel free to follow me @alex19perz and @AdventureRegistry.
Short Term:
Design one sticker a week
Post weekly updates on my website
Take photos and video as much as possible to help build a database of content to help create a photo book/ short film.
Long Term:
Photobook of my travels. Late Fall 2019/ Spring 2020
Short Film. Dependent on footage
Video Ideas:
Car tour
A day in a Life of a Traveling Man
Sticker Design of the Week:
Two updates; One, Very happy how this weeks design turned out. Two, The original sticker design from Chapter 1 is now in stock and I am currently working on a web store to get them up for sale.
The Map:
Grand Junction, CO - Salt Lake City, UT - Denver, Co